About Me


The ‘How I Made It Project’ is an arts and crafts tutorial blog that will regularly inspire you, fill you with ideas and tell you how I’ve made things.

The reason I set up this blog is because firstly, I love making things. Sewing, cross stitch, papier mache sculptures, woodwork, soldering, wax carving, drawing ….the list is endless, unlike space and storage to keep my mountain of stuff, which leads me onto my second reason….

I have a new family, consisting of my significant other, Al, and my 19 month old daughter, Niamh. We desperately need our own house, and to do this we need a 20% deposit (£30,000)

Currently we live together with my long suffering mother and my teenage sister…oh and a Cat! Space is a big problem. All our worldly possessions are going mouldy and musty in the garage and my poor Mam’s dream of turning my old bedroom into a sewing room were swiftly dashed when I moved back home with + 2! Since moving back, we have been scrimping and saving all our remaining income every month to put towards a house but it will still take us years to get enough to put down on one. So then I had an idea….

Why not set up an arts and crafts tutorial blog with a donation button? I wanted all my tutorials to be free for anyone who wanted to use them and with no obligation to donate. But I figured if people like what I was posting, wanted to see more and used my tutorials they would probably be likely to give a small donation of £1-2.

I have heard of blogs with 40,000 + visitors every month! Even if I managed 30,000 readers in a year, which would be impressive….and they each donated £1, I would have my 20% deposit for a house!

I’ve have absolutely no clue if this will work but I have nothing to lose and if I only share some ideas on the way….well then it would be worth it anyways

Thanks for stopping by,

Kate xxx

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